Hunger as politics
This is a simple display of objects and documents from the archive of the Jewish Museum of São Paulo – MUJ.
Through this selection of 9 unpublished prints from the Buchenwald Concentration Camp, in Germany, we show the terrible living conditions to which Jews and other prisoners were subjected during the Second World War. In the accounts of survivors, the imposition of extreme starvation is constant and evidenced by the documents shown.
Subjecting people to starvation is a cruel way of controlling and perpetuating suffering. Today, hunger and food insecurity are still a concrete fact and, in many countries, unfortunately, a strategy of political manipulation. Humanity does not lack the resources to feed the entire world population, only the ethical commitment to put a definitive end to this unacceptable reality.
To learn about historical documents relevant to the history of the Jewish people and explore current issues, come visit the Jewish Museum of São Paulo.