education and
Embrace, dialogue,
connect, transform
Education and Participation is a cultural mediation program of the Museu Judaico de São Paulo (MUJ). We educate when the program produces experiences, which then allow visitors to build knowledge from dialogue, exchange and debate. Participation speaks to our commitment to inviting different publics to become involved, to become part of the Museum and help in its collective construction.
Based on critical pedagogy, which stimulates creation, collaboration, investigation, autonomy and experience, we develop educational activities to mediate the exhibitions on display, heritage and the territory with the publics. Our objective is to contribute to the building of knowledge on culture, traditions, values, customs and history of the Jewish people and their integration in Brazilian culture, in dialogue and in parallel with other of groups of belonging.
We understand the word ‘public’ in the plural: publics. This means that we recognize and respect differences. Each one of us has a history, a repertoire and specific interests. Based on these similarities and differences, we create programming to make everyone feel welcomed. Students, professors, families, researchers, artists, people with disabilities, identity groups, NGOs and residents from the surrounding neighborhood are our publics.

Based on this programming, the Museum reaffirms its commitment to education as a path fo social transformation and integration.
Based on this programming, the Museum reaffirms its commitment to education as a path for social transformation and integration.
Mediated visits, scheduled in advance and on-demand, activity workshops, storytelling, reading mediation, meetings with teachers, courses and lectures are part of the fixed programming of the Museum. Dialoguing with contemporary cultural expressions, we also have a digital arm, with the production of 2D animated series, free video visits and streaming podcasts, which brings the Museum to people’s homes.
The Education and Participation activities of the Museu Judaico de São Paulo are made possible with resources provided by the Federal Law for Cultural Incentive – Law no. 8.313/1991. It is based on an original project proposed by Sapoti Projetos Culturais, in co-creation with the Museu Judaico de São Paulo. In its first year, 2021, the project was sponsored by Grupo CCR.
Educators-mediators conduct visits to the exhibitions on display in the Museum (consult our programming).
What about taking a trip through time? Educators-actors portraying immigrants carry bags full of memories on a course through the Museum.
Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 3 PM.
Saturdays at 2 PM
The first voyages that we take through the pages of a book are accompanied by an experienced reader. This activity proposes a shared reading of books that dialogue with the themes of the exhibitions on display.
Wednesdays at 1 PM and 5 PM. Saturdays and Sundays at 4 PM
Malu Frizzo coordenadora
Patrícia Gonçalves educadora assistente e produtora
Jo Chiman educador
Marcellus Beghelle educador
Maya Levcovitz educadora
Saulo Calixto educador