
The activities, exhibitions, programming and positioning of the Museum can be found on the leading social networks. Each of them contains an individual planning of content and distribution of publications varying in format between photographs, videos, text, audio, and live broadcasts.

We make available part of the content generated internally on the universe of the Museum, thus creating a large bridge connecting people, histories, education, culture and tradition.

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Ao desembarcar no Porto de Santos, porta de entrada dos que chegavam a São Paulo, os imigrantes judeus, homens, mulheres, crianças, pessoas das mais variadas idades e em diferentes condições, eram recebidos e acolhidos por um representante de uma entidade assistencial ou por um parente ou amigo da mesma localidade de origem.
A exposição Mulheres no acervo apresenta algumas mulheres de trajetória marcante, que têm sua história preservada no acervo do Museu Judaico de São Paulo.

check out our main editorials and where they can be found:

Museum facilities, shop, collection, programming, exhibitions, education, recommendations and special dates can be found on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

On Linkedin you can find personal histories, in-house events of the Museum, institutional information, open positions and opportunities.

Video content, such as live broadcasts, virtual tours and dialogue are available on Youtube and Tiktok (coming soon).

Stay up to date and follow #MUJ on all the social networks.