This is the home of “all people”: this is the inscription on the facade of the old synagogue that now houses this Museum.
The fruit of a civil society initiative nurtured over two decades, the Museu Judaico de São Paulo (MUJ) opens its doors with a view to cultivating the different expressions, histories, memories, traditions and values of Jewish culture, in dialogue with the Brazilian context, the present and the aspirations of its different publics.
Backed by a cultural and participative program that intertwines the Jewish experience with Brazilian culture and contemporary art, the MUJ was born out of a commitment to coexistence between various social groups and identities, to fight intolerance and prejudice, with education and intergenerational transmission, values that are both universal and Jewish.
Housed in a building designated as a municipal heritage site and guardian of the largest Jewish collection in Brazil, created entirely from donations, the MUJ considers memory a living phenomena, a source of resistance and survival, in constant transformation.
May this house be a temple of inspiration and a forum for debate, a place of meeting between identity and otherness, a space that connects histories and intertwines a past, a present and a future shared collectively
our mission
The Museu Judaico de São Paulo cultivates and keeps alive the different expressions, histories, memories, traditions and values of Jewish culture, in dialogue with the Brazilian context, the present and the aspirations of its different publics.
our vision
Connect the Brazilian public with Jewish culture to build a just and plural society.
our vision
Connect the Brazilian public
with Jewish culture to build
a just and plural society.
our mission
The Museu Judaico de São Paulo cultivates and keeps alive the different expressions, histories, memories, traditions and values of Jewish culture, in dialogue with the Brazilian context, the present and the aspirations of its different publics.
the Temple
In 1928,a group of immigrants from Europe commissioned Samuel Roder to design a synagogue.
Designed in the Byzantine style, the Temple building with its seven sides emphasizes the seven days of creation, the seven colors of the rainbow. For decades, generations have celebrated special dates there. In 2004, Beth-El lent its facilities to the Museu Judaico de São Paulo. As done by other museums around the world, formerly used as synagogues, the space has received a comprehensive renovation, which preserves the original environment while expanding its objective and perpetuating the memory of those who made the initial nucleus possible. Since then, the Beth-El community has been headquartered at Rua Caçapava 105, Jardins.
the Temple
In 1928,a group of immigrants from Europe commissioned Samuel Roder to design a synagogue.
Designed in the Byzantine style, the Temple building with its seven sides emphasizes the seven days of creation, the seven colors of the rainbow. For decades, generations have celebrated special dates there. In 2004, Beth-El lent its facilities to the Museu Judaico de São Paulo. As done by other museums around the world, formerly used as synagogues, the space has received a comprehensive renovation, which preserves the original environment while expanding its objective and perpetuating the memory of those who made the initial nucleus possible. Since then, the Beth-El community has been headquartered at Rua Caçapava 105, Jardins.
Sergio Daniel Simon
Moshe Boruch Sendacz
Vice President and Director of Legal Affairs
William Kern
First treasurer
Eduardo Groisman
Second treasurer
Roberta Alexandr Sundfeld
Executive director
Rosaly Chansky
Marketing director
Marcelo Nudelman
Constructions director
Ruth Sprung Tarasantchi
Collection director
Tania P. Tarandach
Director of Institutional Relations
Felipe Arruda
Executive director
Roberta Alexandr Sundfeld
Collection and memory director
Marianna Bomfim
Financial and managing director
Marília Neustein
Communication director
Felipe Chaimovich
Curatorship and participation director
Christopher Mossey
Institutional development director
Adriana Feffer Skaf
Celso Lafer
Claudia Maria Costin
Claudio Luiz Lottenberg
Daniel Feffer
Daniel Leon Bialski
David Cytrynowicz
David Safra
Denis Benchimol Minev
Eduardo Saron Nunes
Elena Landau
Esther Hamburger
Fábio Alperowitch
Henri Philippe Reichstul (Presidente)
Inês Bogéa
José Luiz Goldfarb
José Roberto Marinho
Joyce Pascowitch
Lia Diskin
Luciana Temer
Luis Cláudio Garcia De Souza
Luiz Kignel
Marcelo Mattos Araujo
Marcelo Nudelman
Marcos Kisil
Maria Luiza Tucci Carneiro
Mário Arthur Adler
Milton Seligman
Nancy Rozenchan
Pedro Machado Mastrobuono
Renata Bittencourt
Renata Motta
Rosaly (Dodi) Chansky
Rosane Borges
Ruth Taransantchi
Daniel Reichstul
Dora Lucia Brenner
Salo Davi Seibel
Sergio Daniel Simon
Sergio Gusmão Suchodolski
Sergio Napchan
Moshe Sendacz
William Kern
Eduardo Groisman
Gilson Finkelsztain
Roberto Luiz Leme Klabin
Fábio Zaclis
Michael Edgar Perlman
Octávio José Aronis
Below we present the Museum pioneering sponsors